
Bridging the Danube Protected Areas towards a Danube Habitat Corridor
February 07, 2017 | News

Bridging the Danube Protected Areas towards a Danube Habitat Corridor

The Danube River is a green lifeline for biodiversity. While the Network of Danube Protected Areas preserves the most valuable sites, habitat fragmentation limits efforts to preserve a cohesive ecosystem. DANUBEparksCONNECTED has initiated the DANUBE HABITAT CORRIDOR campaign to counteract fragmentation. It offers Danube-wide strategies and exemplary pilot actions aiming to restore and maintain connectivity in all habitat elements:

The cross-sector Danube WILDisland CORRIDOR program protects the islands, which are flagship habitats for intact river dynamics and home to characteristic species.

Copernicus Land Monitoring Services form the base of vital habitat connectivity in RIPARIAN FORESTS. Pilot actions will bring the satellite-based Danube floodplain forest strategy onto the ground.

Natural river systems also host dry habitats, today often fragmented to isolated patches. DANUBE DRY HABITAT Green Infrastructure will be developed to foster ecological connectivity. Cross-border grazing herds will manage dry habitats and will test the long-distance functionality of the habitat corridor.

Finally, DANUBE FREE SKY ensures collision-free bird migration along the Danube flyway. In cooperation with power line operators, technical solutions against bird collision with electricity wires crossing the Danube will be installed.

Key stakeholders from waterway, forestry and energy support DANUBEparksCONNECTED, to ensure the cross-sectoral approach in all work packages. International institutions and policy drivers accompany the process and stand for long-term capitalisation of the Danube Habitat Corridor. CYCLING THE DYKE invites stakeholders and interested people to bike the Danube Corridor and to visit project results. Helping hands for the corridor management are welcome at the 1st DANUBE VOLUNTEERS DAY.

The transnational DANUBEPARKS Network’s know-how and experience on the ground make it best equipped to implement an innovative project building on existing policies.

details at DANUBEparksCONNECTED website
