
DANUBE4all - Annual meeting in Belgrade
May 27, 2024 | News

DANUBE4all - Annual meeting in Belgrade

From the 22nd to the 24th of May 2024, the DANUBE4all annual project partner meeting took place in Belgrade (Serbia). We are bringing you a summary of three days of intensive workshopping, collaboration, and discussions! With 26 project partners on board for this event, together with the Associated partners and members of our newly selected Associated Regions and other relevant stakeholders, it was an amazing event where important topics for the future of the Danube River were discussed.

Day 1 was dedicated to a series of working groups organised by work package across a range of scientific, technical and citizen science topics. These areas represent three significant strands of the project i.e., the physical river restoration measures taking place at our three demonstration sites and the social- and education-orientated citizen science measures that the project will implement and roll out. Specific topics included river connectivity assessment methodologies, species occurrence data modeling, fish monitoring data availability, co-working efforts to increase implementation of citizen science initiatives and co-creation towards these initiatives in the project demo sites.  

The project has very ambitious targets in these areas and so the Assembly provided crucial space for partners working on these programmes to come together and facilitate a process of exchange, feedback, critique and action-orientated measures into order to move this catalogue of objectives towards the next phases of their development.

Day 2 launched our series of transversal workshops. These were focused on four key areas.

Our Associated Regions were presented followed by a discussion and engagement on how to plan for and activate participation as part of these regional initiatives. More information can be found on each of our partner regions at this link.

A workshop on our GIS data modeling tool took an in-depth look at the types of information and data sources required for this developmental project tool. The workshop also explored possibilities around facilitating access to information of varying degrees of complexity for different audiences.


The workshop on Stakeholder engagement looked at ways of identifying what stakeholders we should engage and how we can activate the network of all project partners in accessing them. This tied in with a workshop exploring ideas on unraveling the potential of citizen science specifically aimed at ecosystem restoration measures.


Field Trip

This intensive engagement was followed by a fantastic field trip along the Danube, which provided first-hand experience of the river for the integral, living ecosystem it is. It was also a chance to view a panoramic view of the city and surrounding areas. The consortium had a chance to network and engage on a social level, as well as try some of the project’s citizen science measures first-hand, among which was a water quality monitoring exercise.

Day 3 represented a departure from the workshop structure and opened the plenary session and round of work package presentations to an expanded audience of invited regional stakeholders. This presented an opportunity to showcase the project from a more contextual perspective, which always provides new insight and helps 'ground' the more complex elements of the project in real terms.

Following this session, it was time to celebrate a successful second General Assembly with the launch of two fantastic DANUBE4all initiatives spearheaded by our citizen science lead partner Pulsaqua - the Healthy Danube Network and the Danube Travelling Exhibition. We also celebrated World Fish Migration Day (25th May) hosted by our project partner, the World Fish Migration Foundation.

Healthy Danube Network is a collaboration with the Global Network of Water Museums. It aims to bring together water museums, visitor centers, community hubs and more to learn and cooperate through citizen science.


The Travelling Exhibition narrates the journey of threatened, native amphibian species, particularly the Danube Crested Newt (Triturus dobrogicus) - also known as the 'Danube Dragon'.


World Fish Migration Day is a one-day global celebration to raise awareness for the importance of free-flowing rivers and migratory fish. 2024 celebrated its 6th edition under the theme ‘Free Flow!’

Thanks to all our partners and our hosts from IMSI and the staff of the Hotel Palace, Belgrade for a very successful and enjoyable project meeting!


You can find more information about this event at the official DANUBE4all project website!