
Opening of exhibition Neuburg-Ingolstadt
April 25, 2012 | News

Opening of exhibition Neuburg-Ingolstadt

On Sunday, April 22nd, the Donau-Auen National Park invited for a Family Spring Festival into the SchlossORTH visitor centre. The yearly changing exhibition of a DANUBEPARKS partner – this time the Donau-Auwald Neuburg-Ingolstadt – was opened at this occasion.

With posters and videos, the functioning of a natural floodplain ecosystem, as well as the renaturalization project done in the Danube riparian forest and the Danube’s sidearms are explained. In this region, the hydropower dams and straightening of the River caused serious damage to the ecosystem; the revitalization project gives back the original functioning and dynamics at least partly.

The main theme of the day in general and the children’s programmes was “Species protection in our National Parks”. All Austrian National Parks participated, presenting their projects ranging from rare orchids, over bearded vulture and ibex, to European terrapin.

800 visitors came to the festival, despite unsettled weather conditions and even short rainfalls in the afternoon. The atmosphere was perfect, people were well entertained with the knowledge-, game-, and creative programmes of several National Parks and regional cooperation partners. 
