Duna-Dráva National Park

How to get started?

The destination can be entered from Budapest.

Train and Bus Services:

Train: From Budapest to Királyrét (Lynx House Visitor Center):


How to move within a destination?

The websites of the visitor centers provide a detailed travel description in English. You may

find useful contacts below:

• Pilisi Len Visitor Center, 2084 Pilisszentiván, Bányász u. 17. , Tel.: +36 30 511 1802,

Email: [email protected], https://www.dunaipoly.hu/en/places/interpretation-


• Lynx House Visitor Center, 2624 Szokolya, Királyrét, Tel.: +36 27 585 625; +36 30 238

0063, Email: [email protected]; [email protected],


• Sas-Hill Visitor Center, 1112 Budapest, Tájék u. 26., Tel.: +36 30 408 4370, Email:

[email protected], https://www.dunaipoly.hu/en/places/interpretation-sites/sas-


Bike and Boat infrastructure:

EuroVelo 6: https://de.eurovelo.com/ev6/hungary

For other useful information please contact:

Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate

Költő u. 21, 1121 Budapest, Hungary

+36 1/391 4610; [email protected]
